Legislative Advocacy Day 2025

February 11, 2025: in person

February 13, 2025: virtual


Want to join the planning of Legislative Advocacy Day? Email [email protected].


Advocacy Day Schedule

February 11, 2025 (in person)

Please note the schedule for the day is subject to change and will be solidified in the Fall.

Thank you to CACNY for sponsoring the 2025 Legislative Advocacy Day bus.

7:00 AM - Buses Depart New York City (33 W 42nd Street)

Mid-day - Meetings with Legislative Offices and Lunch

3:00 PM - Legislative Advocacy Day Concludes

3:30 PM - Buses Depart (potentially earlier) from State Capital Building

 Please note that transportation will only be able to be provided from New York City to Albany (including a return trip to pick-up location). If you are planning to attend from a different location, please plan your own travel arrangements.


February 13, 2025 (virtual)
Appointment times will be sent to you prior to the date. Five minutes before your appointment, please click on the link to join the waiting room. You are free to leave once your conversation is over.

**Reminder, participation is not required for both days. You can participate in as many of the offerings as you’d like!

2025 Virtual Legislative Advocacy Day

Participant Prep Session 

Be prepared for our 2025 Legislative Advocacy Day.

You will:

• Feel prepared going into your legislator appointments.
 Learn how to discuss advocacy talking points
 Listen and share your own experiences with students and families. 
 Experience advocacy from partners’ perspectives.
 Answer all your questions!

Submit a Video Testimonial for You Or Your Student(s)

This year, the Consortium for Independent Colleges & Universities (CICU) is providing an opportunity to submit Video or Written Testimonials to show support for student aid funding and higher education. Visit https://newyorkstudentaidalliance.org/advocacy-day to submit your video or written testimonial, or encourage your students to share their story!



Legislative Advocacy Day Frequently Asked Questions

What is Legislative Advocacy Day?

Each year NYSACAC members are encouraged to meet with their legislators in Albany to advocate for student aid, resources for college counseling, and legislation that will lower barriers to college access and success for students across the state.

This year we will be running both an In Person and Virtual Advocacy Day for students, families, and staff.

What do I have to do?
This year we will be creating a few different opportunities for engagement:

Submit individual and/or School Video Testimonials
Attend in person/virtual panels with Legislators
Attend Meetings with your State Legislators
Stay tuned for more registration information coming soon. Once you complete the registration form, we’ll be able to identify your legislators and group you with colleagues from your area. We’ll then reach out to legislative offices to schedule appointments for your group. All you need to do is show up and speak up!


Do I need previous advocacy experience?
No! You do not need to have any experience in advocacy work. The NYSACAC Government Relations Committee will set up all of your appointments for the day and place you in a group of colleagues, some of whom will have advocacy experience to share. We will also provide a Training Day (Webinar) the week prior to Legislative Advocacy Day.

Can I bring students?
Absolutely! Advocacy Day is a wonderful opportunity for your students to get involved and make their voices heard. 
The NYSACAC Government Relations Committee will plan meetings for you and your students with state legislators, empowering them to affect change in their communities and their futures.

Further Questions/Concerns?
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] at any time.


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